Jamais vu ! This is unheard of
It is in early spring that the common toads (Bufo bufo) get together to breed in ponds, males clasping females with their front legs.
We observed a male mounting a 19 years old koi carp, clinging to its rostrum, with the legs deeply pushed in its eye sockets. A few days later, the blind carp, free from the toad, was embraced again by another male who killed it. If the injury weakened the fish, we can accept the hypothesis that the fish has been poisoned by the toxin produced by the toad.
Pas beau la baudroie ! You see the devil
La baudroie, ou lotte, (Lophius piscatorius), est un poisson marin qui fréquente les côtes d'Europe. Avec son énorme tête barrée d'une immense gueule, elle fait penser à un crapaud.
Le premier rayon de sa nageoire dorsale est surmonté d'un lambeau de chair qu'elle agite en guise de leurre. Lorsque un poisson est à sa portée, elle ouvre violemment la gueule créant ainsi une dépression ne laissant aucune chance à sa proie qui peut être presque aussi grosse qu'elle ! Une baudroie d'une vingtaine d'années peut atteindre 2 mètres et peser près de 50 kg.
The monkfish, or sea-devil (Lophius piscatorius), is a marine fish found in the Northeastern Atlantic (Europe). It looks like a toad with its hudge head. The first spine of the anterior dorsal fin is topped by an irregular piece of flesh, the esca. When a fish comes near, the monkfish opens its mouth very quickly and the prey is swallowed without any chance to escape. A 20 years old monkfish can reach 2 meters long and weigh about 50 Kg.